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Thursday, June 12, 2008

comments on Thing #10

Well, I wouldn't give up until I got it published correctly, and I have no clue why it would do so now and wouldn't earlier in the day. Anyway, I am glad it published all together. This was one of my favorite "Things" that we have done so far, so I was very disappointed over the state of events. Oh well, all's well that ends well--or so they say.

I thought about going back and deleting my other posts about Thing #10 because they showed my frustration, but that is the way it really happened, so that is the way I am leaving it.


Grendel said...

I share your pain. I imagine everybody has had similar experiences, but I like the way you kept after it until you got it to work!

LauraAnn said...

Mimi, I too had a moment of extreme frustration - mine was with the Library Thing, a seemingly simple little activity.

Although I had something that I wanted to say about my selection of books - an observation that never occured to me until I saw all of the titles lined up side by side - I sacrificed these comments in favor of venting and cyberscreaming.

I did think about going back and erasing my comments in favor of something more pleasant, but I decided that would be insincere at best. Maybe others would like to read about our struggles as well as our victories? At any rate, thanks for your honesty and not changing your post.
